Yes, well. The subreddit is more of a one-woman passion and spite-project, because it gives me joy for something like that to exist on Reddit for as long as it can - or for as long as it takes for something like that to no longer be remarkable. It is exciting when non-me people comment. (Also, I went back and corrected Harley’s name on some posts - I had originally misheard it as Harvey. 🐈)

It is heartening that things have finally shifted. I was saying last month on The Unspeakeasy that I wish I could go back when I was on Tumblr ~2013-2015 and having persistent nightmares about trans rights activists beating me to death for not believing in their weird totalitarian gender religion, and tell past!me where we are now.

And Corinna was one of the very few transsexuals on Tumblr at the time saying, “Hey, let’s maybe not threaten and dehumanize women in the dubious name of “trans rights?”” And the response from those who felt comfortable speaking mostly seemed to be, “Shut up, Corinna, you dumb bitch. We’ll kill you too.”

So, thank goodness that “this too shall pass.” Sometimes you do need to be very patient, though.

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Hallo! Thank you for the work of keeping the Subreddit alive. I hope you’ll consider maintaining it; however, my hope is that Substack will become a place where people can comment more freely without fear that a Reddit moderator will come and ban their account. As for Tumblr, I vacated it after a trans activist threatened to dox me (and was in fact sending me psychological warfare messages!), but I wish I’d kept it open. At least terfisaslur.tumblr.com is still standing!

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Yes, I remember reading both your auntyorthodox Tumblr account and terfisaslur! 😊

The Heterodorx subreddit was originally started as a spin-off of the BARPod sub by a lesbian member who was growing concerned by homophobia she saw in the comments there. Some of the BARPod subreddit members have described it as a potential life raft if that sub gets shut down. I plan to maintain it for as long as seems appropriate, or until I get banned. 😅 Substack *is* better for conversation, though.

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You have a substack! 🎉🎉🎉

Nina - - I'm still angry over the way Mr. Wu treated you however many episodes ago. He then did the rounds on the other podcasts I love and I couldn't stomach a listen. If The Free Press needed a zionist (positive connotation) tranny (positive connotation) there is an obviously better choice.

I look forward to hearing your takes on the Trump Executive Order regarding gender identity. The updates from Cori and Judge TERF have been very helpful in understanding wtf is going on.

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I'm still angry too.

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You guys are funny(no pun intended). Love your sense of humor. Glad I tuned in!

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I was cutting grapefruit for a late-night snack, and when I heard Cori say "I don't know why she has an erection..." I started squawking and hooting with laughter and had to put down the grapefruit cutting knife to post here. Thanks, as always, for having a sense of humour and, as someone who lives in the "true north not so strong and free", I'm sorry if our postal system has caused you any business woes.

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I love the PFLAG - P = FLAG

First rate!👍👏‼️

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Re: merch, my bestie sent me a text a few days ago, “btw, I pretty much live in my heterodorx hoody these days. Not to make a statement of any kind but because I've never ever had a pullover hoody before & it's just so perfect for this winter and no one cares what I wear to work. THANKS AGAIN for this old gift that just keeps on keepin' on!“

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If you are agonizing over whether you are an asshole or not, Nina, you almost certainly aren't one. Similar to how people (such as those with OCD) who agonize over whether they are psychotic almost certainly aren't. The real assholes don't reflect on whether they are assholes or not, just like psychotics don't typically reflect on whether their delusions are really delusions.

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It is such a shame that it comes to Trump making his declaration

But T activists kept pushing over the years with such obnoxious demands

A few people told them "One day the public will say STOP"

Now where are they ? Stuck in the morass of far left intolerance with a ruined reputation.

They will never learn, The Dems like Sarah McBride will still be their focal policy person and keep up the trans kids, pay for it, all we want is to play sports nonsense.

My advice to other trans, your reputation belongs to you, nobody judges gay men and lesbian on their activists whackos, they judge you on your achievement.

Prove yourself, play like a champion in life and work and you will be respected like gold.

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Feb 15Edited

On a symbolic level, personally I’m not so keen on these as restored “Pride” flags as such, but appreciate the rainbow element more. The rainbow after the storm, or Hurricane Gender. A symbol of God’s common grace. “I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.” That’s what I see when I look at them - but of course we all see what we want to see. 😅

(ETA: Something that’s obvious within my own my mind but I should probably state here, is that the reason that it subtly irks me is because I see such a high degree of conceptual overlap between even just the LGB, and the sort of person who has tended to be a priest/monk/nun throughout history. But I recognize that’s not a common perspective to take on this.)

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Two reasons I’ve been thinking about this:

- Cori’s Suno song, “The Devil’s House” which I loved! (I was deep into The Screwtape Letters when I was a teenager. 😅) I see the spiritual inversion of Christianity in this song, and the commentary on what seems to have happened in many churches.

- and also Cori’s appearance on Peter Boghossian’s Street Epistemology with Maud Maron and Charles Love to talk about Pride which I saw someone share last week. It begins with the claim, “the best explanation for why straight people support gay pride is because supporting white pride is taboo,” Which I don’t agree with, in part because “straight” or “cisheteronormative” pride is also taboo (though not in quite the same way, for good reason).

A lot comes back to the question of who is it for, who benefits? The original Pride fit the moment of the 1970s, but we’re in 2025 and as “Pride Restored” shows, you can’t go back to how things were, you can only work from where you are.

Also - a related anecdote that just popped into my head - I remember being in elementary school and wearing jean shorts that had rainbow ribbons down the side seams. The boy who sat next to me pointed at the ribbons and said, “Ew, don’t you know what that means?” I did not. And he didn’t explain, he just said, “You stupid white girl.”

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I just found this! Your rapport is delightful. Cori, I’m a huge fan. I think I found you through Lisa Selin Davis & your new group podcast. I always find myself wanting more Cori so happy to find you over here.

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I’m glad you guys are on this platform! This episode was great as usual, and I’d just like to say that your podcast has been a massive white pill for me. I’ve considered myself an anti feminist for awhile (but also not trad, per se). So the fact that I can listen to a radical feminist and a trans guy, people who I would assume we’d have absolutely no common ground with; has been such a big change for me. But strangely, as I find myself in the midst of a separation from my husband, I’m starting to reevaluate *some* tenants of feminism.

I greatly appreciate your integrity and honesty. Also the darkly honest humor that encapsulates the alternative people of my youth (the 90s) is a great time. Just wanted to throw a quick message of support and gratitude to you both 💚

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The “trans” shit has nothing to do with LGB.

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I would say it does if you are T and feel at home in the GLB, respect them and don't make it about us

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